Livzym Fungal Alpha Amylase
Fungal alpha amylase is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of starch into sugars. The α-amylases acting at random locations along the starch chain, it breaks down long chain saccharides during the milling process into dextrins. The α-amylases yields either maltotriose and maltose from amylose, or maltose, glucose and dextrin (limitied) from amylopectin.
Yeast contains a maltase enzyme which cleaves the maltose into glucose molecules which provides an energy source for the yeast to ferment.
L I V Z Y M Fungal Alpha Amylase UF 100 is used in flour, bread and bakery products.
- Increases the bread volume
- Regulates the inner structure of bread and enhances its appearance
- Provides good color of bread crust
- Flour standardization and flour corrector
- Flour standardization and flour corrector
- 100,000 SKB
*1 SKB unit refers to the hydrolysis of one gram of starch into 1 gram of malt in 1 hour at 30°C
- 140,000 SKB
*1 SKB unit refers to the hydrolysis of one gram of starch into 1 gram of malt in 1 hour at 30°C